” As for me, I will behold thy FACE in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.”
1. Give thanks to the Lord for choosing in His sovereignty not to hide His face from you, your family and your endeavours. PSA 143:7
2. Appreciate the Lord for causing His face to shine over Ever Increasing Word Ministries
3. Ask the Lord to impart you with deep hunger to seek His face. Matt 5:6
4. Pray that the Lord will surround you in this season with people who will stir you up in the habit of seeking His face. Prov 27:17
5. Trust the Lord for help to keep His instructions so that His face will not be hidden from you. Ps 119:135
6. Ask the Lord to supply your life with the teachings of His ways and statutes. Psa 119:135
7. Pray that the Lord shines His face afresh upon Ever Increasing Word Ministries and its leadership in all our programs, relationships and plans.
8. Pray that God will continually direct the paths of the President of The Ever Increasing Word Ministries; Rev. George Adegboye. Psa 132:10
9. Ask the Lord to shine His face over our nation, our economy, leadership, politics and every facet of our nation. Pray that God’s face be set against every perpetuation of evil in our land. Ps 34:16
10. Let’s appreciate God for the illumination of our lives through His word and His presence. EPH 1:18
My Confession:
I thank the Lord who has in his sovereignty been merciful unto me and mine by not hiding His face. I thank Him for being faithful in causing his face to shine upon the Ever Increasing word ministries.. I boldly declare that I receive divine impartations that will stretch my hunger for the things of God. I decree that I am surrounded with people who will stir me up to seek his face. I refuse to walk in disobedience to the instructions of God. I declare that in a fresh way, the Lord shines His face over the entirety of Ever increasing word ministries. Our set-man enjoys divine direction this year. Nigeria experiences the face of God set on her economy, leadership and indeed every facet of her growth. I am full of faith and power by the Spirit of God who dwells in me. I have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt me. Through the greatness of God’s power that is mine shall all my enemies submit themselves unto me. I have power to get wealth. God’s grace is sufficient for me in every area of my life as His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I have all the power that it takes to do what He will want me to do. I will Praise the Lord in His sanctuary, I will praise Him in the firmament of His power.