also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.”
1. Acknowledge the Lord and thank Him for His divine provisions in times past. Ask God to put an end to a lifestyle of micromanaging essential needs in your life in this new year. Psa 116:12,17, Job 38:41, Phil 4:6.
2. Thank God for the life He has given to us in abundance. Also pray that every of your possessions that the devil has marked for destruction will be preserved as the blood of Jesus shall speak for you. John 10:10
3. Thank Him for the bountiful harvest you’ve had in your finances, relationships, soul winning and other aspects of your life. Just as God kept Adam in the midst of abundance, ask God to keep you at the center of His Will this year for therein shall you experience life in abundance. 2 Cor 9:11, Psa 67:6.
4. Pray and ask that the Lord restore bountifully and abundantly all that you have lost. Isa 61:7, Matt 7:11, 2 Cor 9:10, Jer 30:17, Rom 8:32.
5. Pray that the Lord grant you the wisdom to channel your little efforts into reaping a bountiful harvest. Job 36:16, Psa 34:10, Exo 23:10-11, Pro 10:5, James 1:5.
6. Pray that the Lord grant unto the church, His Spirit and gifts expressly and abundantly this year. Eph 1:3, Phil 1:19
7. Pray that every seed that you have sown in the years past begin to spring up, grow and to produce an abundant harvest for you in the year 2020 and beyond. Mark 4:26-27
8. Ask that the Lord grant us the grace to give bountifully that we may reap bountifully. 2 Cor 9:6, 1 Tim 5:8, Luke 6:38.
9. Decree and declare that the barns and jars of the SMIC, his family and the ministers are filled to overflow every day of this year. Gen 41:47, 1 Kings 17:14, 2 Cor 9:8, Psa 119:17, Luke 12:24.
10. Pray that there shall be a nationwide bountiful harvest of souls this year. Matt 9:37-38, Psa 107:38.
In this year 2020, I experience life in abundance by the provision of our Lord Jesus Christ. I sow my seeds in faith this year, knowing that the law of seedtime and harvest is working on my behalf. I expect every seed that I have sown in the past to spring up, and to produce an abundant harvest this year. Because I have been obedient to God, in sowing my seeds, I fully expect my days to be filled with prosperity and my years with pleasures. I am an abundant giver in this new year. Therefore, as I give, I expect good measure, pressed down shaken together and running over harvest from every seed that I’ve sown and that I will sow in the year 2020 and beyond. I’m entitled to and I’m expecting a bountiful harvest because I’m a bountiful sower. In this New year, I expect to have all sufficiency more than enough, abounding in financial blessings, so that I am able to sow into every good work which the Holy Spirit impresses me to be a blessing to. Rhema Chapel International Churches experience the bountiful harvest of souls in this new year and decade. I do believe in the Lord my God and I believe what His prophet has spoken regarding 2020, I therefore expect to be established and prosper each day throughout this year in Jesus name. I am full of faith and power by the Spirit of God who dwells in me. I have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt me. Through the greatness of God’s power that is mine shall all my enemies submit themselves unto me. I have power to get wealth. God’s grace is sufficient for me in every area of my life as His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I have all the power that it takes to do what He will want me to do. I will Praise the Lord in His sanctuary, I will praise Him in the firmament of His power.