Joshua 1:8: “…For then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success”
1.Thank God for great success you have enjoyed in life, ministry, business, academics, marriage, home, career etc.( 1Chronicle 16:4, Dan 2:23)
2.Pray against things or situations or efforts from the pit of hell to stop you or frustrate divine instructions or ideas for success in life and ministry ( Zech. 3:2)
3.Ask God to make great success out of our weekly and specialized programs; characterized with harvest of souls and diverse kind of healings and miracles ( 2 Co 2:11)
4.Pray that God will supply power and insight that will give you good success in all your life endeavors. Declare that you will record outstanding success in your home, career and businesses etc.( Judges 18:5, Job 8:6)
5.Pray that our church will experience success in our drive and strategies towards church planting, spiritual and numerical growth ( Act 2:47)
6.Pray that present regime in the state (host state) and federal level in our country will record high success in every area especially in infrastructural development, education etc. that will improve the life of Nigerian citizens ( Psalm 122:6)
7.Pray that all targets and plans for success that you had and will set for yourself and family for spiritual growth or personal growth will end in good success ( Isaiah 45:11)
8.Pray that our church will witness success in marriages, child birth, promotions etc. among members this year and beyond ( 2 Samuel 6:12)
9.Pray that success will be accomplished by the SMIC and all the ministers of EIWM in all that they set out to achieve for the ministry and their personal life this year and beyond ( Ex 25:9)
10.Pray for your family members, children and parents that God will give good success in all that they will set out to accomplish this year and beyond in all fronts of human endeavors ( Gen 39:2)
I thank God for the supply of the supernatural which has brought me success in life and all fronts of human endeavors in the past. I frustrate and render null and void every demonic effort for failure and; I command success to accompany all my moves in life in the name of Jesus. Since “the path of the just shines brighter” and “our strength increases according to our days” Lord I declare that I will experience greater dimensions of success in all areas in multiple folds this year in Jesus name. All our evangelistic efforts such as outreaches, weekly and Sunday services shall be super successful with harvest of souls, healings, deliverance and testimonies of all sorts. Our efforts towards church planting and growth will certainly be successful with results to show to the glory of God’s name. I receive power and divine insight for outstanding success in life, ministry, business, academics, marriage, home, career effortlessly in Jesus name. My targets and strategies for spiritual and personal growth will succeed in Jesus name. Our family members, children and parents will have a great share of success in all that they set out to accomplish this year and beyond in all fronts of human endeavors in Jesus name. I am full of faith and power by the Spirit of God who dwells in me. I have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt me. Through the greatness of God’s power that is mine shall all my enemies submit themselves unto me. I have power to get wealth. God’s grace is sufficient for me in every area of my life as His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I have all the power that it takes to do what He will want me to do. I will Praise the Lord in His sanctuary, I will praise Him in the firmament of His power.