Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
1. Thank God for His mercies that is new every morning towards you and everything that concerns you over the years. (Lam. 3:22). Lift up your voice and bless His holy name for making all grace abound towards you and your family. (2 Cor. 9:8)
2. Declare that as you journey through this year, the spirit of your mind is renewed by the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 4:23). Ask that the Holy Spirit will help you to experience transformation in your mind and in your life through the prophetic Word for this year in Jesus name.
3. Ask that the Lord will help you throughout this year not to conform to the pattern of this world. (Rom. 12:2). Pray that the Holy Spirit will help your new man to be renewed in knowledge after the image of Christ in Jesus name (Col. 3:10)
4. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to wait on God in every situation and circumstance you will find yourself in order for your strength to be renewed. Declare that this year, you will mount up with wings as an eagle to height you could not reach before now both physically, spiritually, maritally, financially, academically, socially and in every other area of your life in Jesus name (Isaiah 40:31)
5. Pray that the Holy Spirit will renew a right spirit of commitment, dedication and devotion to God’s Word and that His work will be established the more on earth through you and every member of our work force in Jesus name (Ps. 51:10)
6. Ask the Lord to renew the cord of love in every home and family in our churches all over the world in Jesus name (Eccl. 4:12). Pray that the physical, mental and spiritual strength of our old men and women will be renewed like the eagles in Jesus name (Ps. 103:5, Lam. 5:21)
7. Pray that the Lord will renew the strength of the SMIC and all his ministers in order for them to attain higher level in life and ministry in Jesus name. Pray that the Lord will send forth His Spirit on EIWM that will cause every part of the ministry to be renewed. (Ps. 104:30)
8. Pray that throughout this year your inward man will continually be renewed in Jesus name (2 Cor. 4:16). Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your passion for souls and soul winning this year and beyond in Jesus name. (Prov. 11:30)
9. Ask the Lord to purge our nation from every form of abominable idols in high places that has kept us back from making remarkable progress in Jesus name. Pray that the Lord will establish courageous leaders who will renew the altar of God in their domain and in our land in Jesus name. (2 Chron. 15:8)
Lord I thank you for your mercies that are new towards me every morning and over everything that concerns me over the years in Jesus name. I lift up my voice and bless your holy name for making all grace abound towards me and my family in Jesus name. I declare that as I journey through this year the spirit of my mind is renewed by the help of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. I confess that I am experiencing transformation in my mind and in my life through the prophetic word for this year in Jesus name. The Lord is helping me not to conform to the pattern of this world throughout this year and beyond in Jesus name. I declare that my inner man is renewed in knowledge after the image of Christ in Jesus name. The Holy Spirit is helping me to wait on God in every situation and circumstance I find myself therefore my strength is renewed in Jesus name. I declare that this year, I mount up with wings as eagles to heights I could not reach before now both physically, spiritually, maritally, financially, academically, socially and in every other area of my life in Jesus name. I confess that the Holy Spirit is renewing a right spirit of commitment, dedication and devotion to God’s Word and therefore God’s work is established the more on earth through me and every member of our work force in Jesus name. The cord of love in every home and family in our churches all over the world is renewed and replenished in Jesus name. I declare that the physical, mental and spiritual strength of our old men and women is renewed like the eagles in Jesus name. I declare that the strength of the SMIC and all his ministers is renewed therefore they attain higher level in life and ministry in Jesus name. I confess that the Lord is sending forth His Spirit on EIWM thereby causing every part of the ministry to be renewed in Jesus name. My inward man is continually renewed in Jesus name. I confess that my passion for souls and soul winning is renewed by the Holy Spirit this year and beyond in Jesus name. I declare that our nation is purged from every form of abominable idols in high places and courageous leaders who will renew the altar of God in their domain and in our land are being established in Jesus name. I am full of faith and power by the Spirit of God who dwells in me. I have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt me. Through the greatness of God’s power that is mine shall all my enemies submit themselves unto me. I have power to get wealth. God’s grace is sufficient for me in every area of my life as His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I have all the power that it takes to do what He will want me to do. I will Praise the Lord in His sanctuary, I will praise Him in the firmament of His power.