KEY – “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” MATT. 16:19
1. Thank God for giving you the key to open doors for each day of this New Year 1Chr. 9:27 (MSG). Thank Him for His plans for you are of good and not of evil to give you an expected end. Jer. 29:11.
2. Commit yourself into the hands of the Lord so that you will not be tempted to lose your key. Pray that whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven this year in Jesus name. Matt. 16:19
3. Ask for Grace to walk before the Lord so that nothing will hinder you from getting the right key to unlock blessings that God has in store for you this year and beyond in Jesus name. Lk. 11:52. Ask God to direct your path throughout this year and beyond in Jesus name. Pro 3:5-6
4. Pray to God to lock any evil door that the enemy might want to open this year such as doors of sicknesses, calamities, troubles, deaths, dangers in Jesus name. Ask for divine protection this year to enable you enjoy the blessings which God has prepared for you. Ps.91 :1-2.
5. Pray that God will open great and effectual doors for you this year i.e. doors of job opportunities, doors of marriage, doors of promotion, blessings etc in Jesus name. 1Cor 16:9
6. Pray to God to open the womb of our waiting mothers this year in Jesus name Gen.30:22. Also pray for people who are looking unto God for breakthroughs this year that the Lord shall remember them in Jesus name
7. Pray for the SMIC, that the Lord will give him the keys to open doors into other nations of the world this year in Jesus name (Rev. 3:8).
8. Pray for other ministers that the Lord will give them keys to lock and unlock as they minister this year and also pray that signs and wonders shall follow their ministrations in Jesus name (Jn. 4:48).
9. Pray that the devil will not hinder your blessings from getting to you at the right time this year in Jesus name (1Thes.2:18).
10. Pray for peace to reign in our nation this year Ps. 122:6. Also pray that the Lord will give our leaders the keys to unlock the wealth of this nation and for them to use it for the good of the masses in Jesus name.
I thank God for giving me the Master key to open doors for each day of this New Year. I thank Him for His plans for me this year which are of good and not of evil to give me an expected end. I confess that God has given me the keys of the kingdom of heaven so that whatsoever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven in Jesus name. I thank God for Grace to walk before Him so that nothing will hinder me from getting the right keys to unlock blessings that God has in store for me this year and beyond in Jesus name. I confess that God has locked any evil door that the enemy might want to open in Jesus name. I confess that God will open great and effectual doors for me this year i.e. doors of job opportunities, doors of marriages, doors of promotion, doors of admission for students, blessings etc in Jesus name. I declare that God has opened the womb of our waiting mothers this year in Jesus name. I also confess that people who are looking unto God for breakthroughs shall be remembered in Jesus name. I confess that God will give the SMIC the keys to doors of other nations this year in Jesus name. I confess that this year the Lord will give ministers of EIWM the keys to lock and unlock as they minister Gods word and also that signs and wonders shall follow their ministrations in Jesus name. I confess that as a Rhemite, the devil will not hinder my blessings from getting to me at the right time in Jesus name. I confess that this year there will be peace in our nation and also that the Lord will give our national leaders the keys to unlock the wealth of this nation in Jesus mighty name. I am full of faith and power by the Spirit of God who dwells in me. I have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt me. Through the greatness of God’s power that is mine shall all my enemies submit themselves unto me. I have power to get wealth. God’s grace is sufficient for me in every area of my life as His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I have all the power that it takes to do what He will want me to do. I will Praise the Lord in His sanctuary, I will praise Him in the firmament of His power.